Welcome to the world my first niece

Alhamdulillahhirobbil’alamin ya Rabb, finally I have niece, guys. She was born on Wednesday, 11 July 2013 at 3 a.m. After through contraction on 4 July, she borned normally. 
Smiling baby

This  cute and chubby baby was named Kimya Ayla Zayana. Do you know? we have nearly the same physical character that does not has eyebrows hihi. When i was baby, i dont have eyebrows. But for now, there are only  few fur in my eyebrows -.-

Hopely you can be dutiful daugther, solehah1, filial to your parents and be useful to the nation’s homeland, amin ya Rabbal alamin.

*Solehah1 means a daughter who always keep His rule, either by way to follow His command and keep away His prohibition. His is refer to Allah who makes entire in this world J


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